“To satisfy our customers by supplying products and services that exceed expectations.”


“Zip-Clip achieves this through continual improvement, teamwork, and the effective application of our Quality Management System, as outlined in our Business Manual.”


  • The prime objective of our Quality Management System is Customer Satisfaction brought about by continual improvement and business growth. Zip-Clips Quality Management System incorporates quality (product and service), working environment, and work safety. We ensure that the product we procure, produce, and supply through our business processes, are manufactured in accordance with customer-specific, statutory, and regulatory requirements, with the aim of achieving 3rd party accreditation to ISO 9001:2015.
  • Our QMS defines the scope of our business as “The manufacture and design, of high specification suspension systems & solutions, serving the Construction industry and other industrial market sectors”.
  • The processes developed within the QMS provide the framework for working in a safe, pollution-free environment.
  • We operate by setting objectives and performance targets, based on the risks and opportunities, defined within the Quality Management System processes. We achieve this using a multi-disciplinary process approach, utilizing teamwork from the whole business.
  • The Management team periodically reviews operational achievements against the set objectives and targets. By continually seeking to improve the effectiveness of our processes we aim to enhance business performance and customer satisfaction. The results of these reviews are communicated to all personnel.
  • The Quality policy is communicated to and understood by all personnel, it is available to the public and is periodically reviewed by the Management team for continued suitability.

Matthew Clay-Michael
Joint CEO

Ref: BM-01-01, Issue 3, January 2023