In 2009 a new wave of projects began in Barnsley under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) government investment programme. The projects covered the following schools: Penistone Grammar, Carlton School, Kirkbalk School, Denton School, Shafton School, and Springwell School.


Crown House Technologies (CHT) undertook mechanical and electrical installations on all of the projects and utilised Zip-Clip’s innovative heavy-duty support systems to hang the modular containment on each of the schools.

Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme



Suspension from Concrete Ceilings

  • Suspension wires were secured to concrete ceilings using Zip-Clip
    Con-Lock hammer-set fixings prior to module installation.
  • Zip-Clip locking clips were placed on wires ready to be installed into channel.
  • Each support offered a Safe Working Load of 90 kg.

Pipe Work Module Installation

  • The Zip-Clip Plus-on-Wire system was used to support pipe work modules.
  • Wires were fixed using M8 eye-bolts into uni-strut with a channel nut.
  • Wire was passed through slots of the strut at the bottom of the support.
  • A locking clip was fed up each wire behind the strut to form a fix.
  • Modules were raised into position and locking clips were fixed into place, allowing for easy adjustment if required.

Cable Basket Module Installation

  • Suspension wires were secured using M8 eye-bolts into uni-strut.
  • Locking clips were secured into the profile of the channel.
  • Wires were passed through the locking clips to secure modules in place.

Suspension from Ceiling Fixed Channel

  • Wire drops were fixed to ceiling using M8 eye-bolts into channel.
  • Locking clips were secured into the profile of the channel.
  • Wire was finally pushed through the locking clips and the containment was secured at the desired height.

Barnsley Schools Project Install

Barnsley Schools Project Install

Barnsley Schools Project Install

Barnsley Schools Project Install