During construction of the new Lidl Airdrie store, located on Carlisle Road, Zip-Clip Technical Sales Manager Al Webster, supported by our Technical Team, worked closely with principal contractor Adston UK and Sub-Contractor LJJ to ensure on-time project completion to exacting customer standards.
A range of Zip-Clip products was specified for the suspension of lighting tracks both above the sales floor and back of house areas, and for the suspension of trapeze bracketry supporting electrical containment runs.
For lighting runs directly under steelwork, project-specific prefabricated Zip-Clip Knock-It suspensions were utilised to fix directly to purlins.
In areas there where no such anchoring points were available Zip-Clip Span-Lock catenary systems were installed from which lights were suspended, allowing all project requirements to be met. CT1 and CT2 anchors were used to fix the Span-Lock system to suitable steelwork.
This installation showcased the versatility of Zip-Clip solutions, particularly illustrating the flexibility of the systems when no direct overhead fixing points are available.
The use of Zip-Clip Strut-Lock systems to suspend trapeze bracketry supporting electrical containment runs also provided flexibility and reduced installation time.
Zip-Clip’s architectural carabiners were used for the suspension of all lighting within the store, not only to increase the speed of install but also to enhance aesthetics as all lighting would be visible to customers on the shop floor.